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Programs: Programs


Papalaan is a small farming village of about 30 houses. it is one of the most remote villages in the area. You need a dirt-bike or 4x4 vehicle in order to get there, and in rainy season we are only using dirt-bikes. It is a one lane extremely steep dirt road is big rocks and loos gravel with lots of tight turns. 


One of the reasons we picked this village, is that there is one family that attending our church in Ambangeg before they moved there. So we do that that contact there, and there is no church anywhere near this village, and its so hard to get to, that what we are all about. places no one else wants to go. 


Our dificulty right now is that everyone but the one family are pagans. As its a farming village their fields come first, and it has been hard to get them to take any time at all away from their fields to have a prayer time or bible study. But we will keep going and showing them that we care and God cares about them. 


Camangaan, is a village not too far from Ambangeg. It is not totally Pagan as there are families that have gone to other villages to attend church in the past, or when they lived in other cities. There is also an Anglican church here, but as it is not a bible centered church we feel it is still good to start a church plant here. There are many family connections between our members in Ambangeg and Camangaan, making it much easier to get bible studies started. 

We started work here in December of 2021, when a family invited us to do a Bible study with their family, and it has grown from there. We have already had a few baptisms and some read dedication to the work of Christ. 

We are really looking forward to the work that God is doing here, and have high hopes for the years ahead!  

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